When Do We Meet?
We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 12 pm for lunch and fellowship at the church (or sometimes an alternate location). We try to compliment lunch with an indoor or outdoor activity, if weather permits. In the winter months, we have movie matinees, skits, board games and chair yoga. In the spring, summer, and fall, we adventure outside and explore our region.

Our Commitment
In a "Family of Families" environment, the seniors of our church are an essential part of many ministries within our church. Faith United is a Multi-Generational church with a love for the various generations. The Friends of Faith ministry works hard to support each other and to serve the Lord with all their hearts, mind, and soul.

Get Connected
We love when we have new visitors who want to get together with other Seniors in the church. Join us on the first Tuesday of the month for lunch and any other activities you see that interests you. For additional information, you can contact Jenny Oakland at 605-360-0903 and she would love to get you plugged in to this fun group!