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Upcoming Events

Women:  Movie Night

Ready to relax and enjoy a movie?  Ladies, join us for Jimmy Johns sandwich and settle in for the movie "The Forge".  Bring your favorite candy to share with the group. 

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Church:  Mexico Auction Dinner

Mark your calendar for March 21st at 5:30 pm.  We will be having our Mexico Auction Dinner Fundraiser to raise some money to send some youth and adults to Baja Mexico to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus.  They will be doing service projects for the Door of Faith orphanage and local community.  You can purchase your tickets in the family room on March 2, 9 and 16th or register on planning center.

Tickets are $15 each.  

Men:  MMOF Bible Study

Men's Bible Study starts March 2nd at 8:30 AM.  This 6 week Bible study will cover 2 Corinthians, "Finding Strength In Weakness".  The men will meet in the the conference room and will be done by the time the service starts.   Register today! 

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Church: Auction Items

Would you like to donate some slightly used or new auction items for our Mexico Auction Dinner?  Please bring your items to the church prior to March 16th.  Thank you for helping our youth as they prepare for their trip.  If you have any questions, please reach out to the church office. 


Mexico Mission Trip

We will be expanding our Mexico Mission trip to adults and youth this year.  There will be an informational meeting on Sunday, Feb. 16th following service.  We invite you to come and listen and see if God is pulling on your heart strings for a trip that could change your life.  Registration deadline is March 2.  

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Service Time:




800 N Splitrock Blvd. 

Brandon, SD 57005

Office Hours:

9am -4pm

M - Th

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